
Thursday, December 22, 2011


These boys are going to drive me insane!  I asked Abinet if it was his goal to make me crazy and he laughed and said "yes"!

Between the broken door (which Big Daddy fixed), the multitude of locked doors (which he is fascinated with), the endless fun with the dogs, the new adoration with the cats and the wrestling that NEVER.EVER.STOPS.

I need a coke....a big one.  

So blessed to hear all my kids laugh and play, together.  Blessed to be going through pictures of our time in Ethiopia and having him oooh and aaah over them.  I'm so thankful that he isn't sad.  Heck, he doesn't have time to be sad.  He is CONSTANTLY moving....every single moment of every single day HE IS MOVING.

Blessed that our journey is over, he is safe in our home, he is healthy, happy and wild.

To God be all the glory because He is the one who brought all my children to us.  We are forever in awe of His Awesomeness!


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