
Saturday, September 4, 2010

Signs of RAD (reactive attachment disorder)

**This is from another blog, that I will list to the right under "blogs I follow"'s been a rough day.   I will highlight the traits that we deal with.

here are the symptoms and how we finally figured out what was going on with the kids. the last one sealed the deal for us! many of these have improved greatly now!
i added our experiences in italics and wow, it's pretty sad to see it listed like this!
superficially engaging & charming - they can charm the pants off anyone!
• lack of eye contact on parents terms - they only looked us in the eye if they were lying
• indiscriminately affectionate with strangers - they don't know a stranger, love on anyone
• not affectionate on parents’ terms - not cuddly, don't like to sit in our laps or hug
• destructive to self, others and material things (accident prone) - always breaking toys, falling
• cruelty to animals - oh the poor dog and cat, and may the one kitten rest in peace :(
• lying about the obvious (crazy lying) - not the usual get out of trouble kind, just stupid stuff
• stealing
• no impulse controls (frequently acts hyperactive) - oh my,
• learning lags - way ahead in some areas, way behind in others
• lack of cause and effect thinking (no logic) - so frustrating, they really, really have no logic
• lack of conscience - very sad. they don't realize they're inconsiderate at all.
• abnormal eating patterns -
• poor peer relationships - they prefer adults and are immature for their age
• preoccupation with fire -
• preoccupation with blood &  gore -
• persistent nonsense questions & chatter - oh my word, it's honestly horrible
• inappropriately demanding & clingy -
• abnormal speech patterns - speech issues
• triangulation of adults (pitting mom against dad or therapists/teachers against parents) - tried
• false allegations of abuse - haven't seen this fortunately
• presumptive entitlement issues - yep, serve me now, i will not ask, things should just appear before me
• parents appear hostile and angry - people think we are nuts!

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