
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Trying Hard

I just figured out how to do different colors LOL....I'm a little slow on the uptake today!

I got word that there would be some additional paperwork that needs to be notarized (blech) and sent with my dossier. It isn't atrocious paperwork, like I've been doing, but still, I'm ready for this thing to be out of my hands, into the hands of my agency and sent to Ethiopia BEFORE MAY 7th! Luckily (not luck, but Godly), I was able to put my hands right on the paperwork that I need and my sister is sending me the stuff that I don't have so I can print it off and do all this rigor tomorrow (bank, notary, church, post office). It's all okay because as I'm sweating in inappropriate places LOL, thumbing through more documents, double checking everything....this song In His Time was playing through my mind. I sang that song, in my hometown church when I was a child and here it is 20 years later, popping back up. How blessed am I to be a child of God and to know that all of these "delays" are part of His plan.

He loves me, He loves my son, but for some reason or the other, He has been putting up roadblocks in sending off my dossier. That is okay (remember to breathe)....He has His reasons and they are for good and not to harm. Praise be to Him

Remember when you are trying to do something and wanting to do it now now now, it is ALL in His time. Off to blow my nose and wipe my sweat.........again. Love spring :)

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